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H.POINT 회원 안내

현재 고객님은 H.Point 회원입니다.

H.Point 통합회원 정보로 간편하게
현대백화점면세점 회원가입이 가능합니다.
단, 가입 확인을 위해 아래의 정보가 조회됩니다.

이름, 생년월일, 휴대폰번호, CI




"Make Life Healthier"
Make life healthier, New Zealand Premium Brand [Healthwin] in the clean country.

Healthwin is a leading brand in natural health in New Zealand, a clean and clean country.
The colostrum line of formal imports is 100% from New Zealand, from raw materials to manufacturing, and uses healthy ingredients certified for natural grazing to create honest products.